
Saturday, 29 September 2012

Schedule VI Master Configuration


The Schedule VI Master Configuration report provides an elaborate picture of the Schedule VI Heads to which Tally Groups have been mapped by Tally.ERP 9.
To view the Schedule VI Master Configuration report for Schedule-VI Balance Sheet,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet
  • Click on F9: Master Config or press Alt+F9
The Schedule VI Master Configuration report appears:
Groups that have been automatically classified under Schedule VI Heads by Tally.ERP 9 can be reclassified by the user under different Schedule VI Heads.
See more on Schedule VI Rule Configuration

Button options in Schedule VI Master Configuration report

F1: Detailed
Click on F1: Detailed ore press Alt+F1 to view a detailed Schedule VI Master Configuration report:
F4: Group
Click on F4: Group or press F4 to view the Schedule VI Master Configuration for a specific Group
F5: Led-wise
Click on F5: Led-wise or press F5 to view the Schedule VI Master Configuration for every Ledger
Ctrl+F9: Rename Heads
Click on Ctrl+F9: Rename Heads or press Ctrl+F9
The Configuration Schedule VI Heads report appears:
  • The report provides details of Schedule VI Heads and their names as displayed in the Schedule-VI Balance Sheet
  • Click on F1: Condensed or press Alt+F1 to view a condensed version of the report
  • Click on R: Rename Head or press Alt+R to Rename Schedule VI Heads
  • Select a Schedule VI Head using Spacebar and click on Ctrl+F10: Restore Name or press Ctrl+F10 to undo any changes made to it
  • Click on F12: Configure to change the default view of the report:
  • Set the option Show Only Renamed Heads? To Yes to view only those Schedule VI Heads for which Display Names have been changed
Ctrl+F10: Restore Def.
Click on Ctrl+F10: Restore Def. or press Ctrl+F10 to undo any reclassifications done to the Tally Groups
Ctrl+B: Bifurcate Value
Click on Ctrl+B: Bifurcate Value or press Ctr+B to view the Bifurcate Value Classification report:
To know more about Bifurcating Balances, see Schedule VI Rule Configuration
  • Click on F12: Configure or press F12 to change the view of Bifurcate Value Classification report:
  • Appearance of Names: Set the Display Name Style for the report
  • Expand all levels in Detailed Format: Set this option to Yes to view a detailed Bifurcate Value Classification Report
  • Show Closing Balance: Set this option to Yes to view the Closing Balances of the Groups displayed
C: Multi Classify
Select multiple Groups using Spacebar and click on C: Multi Classify or press Alt+C to set their Schedule VI Rule Configuration
F9: Inv Reports
Click on F9: Inv Reports or press F9 to navigate to the default Inventory Reports like Godown Summary, Movement Analysis, Stock Summary etc.
F10: Acc Reports
Click on F10: Acc Reports or press F10 to navigate to the default Accounting Reports like Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Trial Balance etc.
F10: Audit Reports
Click on F10: Audit Reports or press Alt+F10 to navigate to the other Audit Reports within Statutory Audit and Tax Audit
F12: Configure
Click on F12: Configure or press F12 to change the default view of the Schedule VI Master Configuration report:
  • Appearance of Names: Set the Display Name Style for the report
  • Sorting Method: Select the required sorting method -Alphabetical or Default, from the list of Sorting Methods.
  • Expand all levels in Detailed Format: Set this option to Yes to view a detailed Schedule VI Master Configuration Report
  • Show Closing Balance: Set this option to Yes to view the Closing Balances of the Groups displayed.

Option to Move Tally Groups/Ledgers from one Schedule VI Head To another Schedule VI Head

Tally.ERP 9 provides users with the option to Move Tally Groups/Ledgers from one Schedule VI Head To another Schedule VI Head.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet
  • Place the cursor on a Schedule VI Head and press Enter
The Note Summary report for the Schedule VI Head appears.
  • Click on F1: Detailed or press Alt+F1 for the detailed Note Summary
  • Place the cursor on the Group/Ledger that has to be Moved to a different Schedule VI Head
  • Click on Ctrl+X: Move or press Ctrl+X
The Group/Ledger gets selected.
  • Move the cursor over to the Schedule VI Head under which the Group/Ledger needs to be placed
  • Click on Ctrl+V: To or press Ctrl+V to move the Group/Ledger under the selected Schedule VI Head
The selected Group/Ledger appears under the selected Schedule VI Head:
  • Click on Ctrl+Z: Undo or press Ctrl+Z to restore the Note Summary from the last change made

Inserting and Renaming Heads In Schedule-VI Balance Sheet


Tally.ERP 9 provides users with the option to rename and insert Heads in the Schedule-VI Balance Sheet as per their business needs.

Renaming Heads

To rename Schedule VI Heads,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet

  • Place the cursor on the Schedule VI Head that has to be renamed.

  • Click on R: Rename Head or press Alt+R

The Change Display Name sub-screen appears:

  • Type in the name to be given to the chosen Schedule VI Head

  • Press Enter

  • Press Enter or Y to Accept (save) the change

The Schedule VI Head appears renamed in the Schedule-VI Balance Sheet:

Inserting Heads

Users can insert Heads at lowest level of the hierarchy of Schedule VI Heads.

For e.g.: User will not be able to insert head at Current Assets (Schedule VI Head) level, but will be able to do it at Other Current Assets (Sub-head) level.

To insert a head in the Balance Sheet,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet

If, for instance, Interest Accrued on Investments has to be inserted under Other Current Assets,

  • Place the cursor under the required Schedule VI sub-head (here, Other Current Assets) and click on Ctrl+I: Insert Head or press Ctrl+I

  • The Create Schedule VI Head screen appears. Press Backspace to change the Head under which the new one has to be inserted

A List of Heads appears:

  • Select the appropriate Head (here, Other Current Assets), and press Enter

  • Type in the Name of the new head and press Enter

  • Press Enter or Y to Accept (save) the new head

The newly inserted Head (Interest Accrued on Investments) appears classified under the chosen Head (Other Current Assets)

Deleting inserted Heads

To delete an inserted Head,

  • Place the cursor on the (inserted) head

  • Click on Ctrl+D: Delete Head or press Ctrl+D

  • Press Enter or Y to delete the head

Note: Default Schedule VI Heads cannot be deleted. Also, Inserted Heads to which Tally Groups have been linked cannot be deleted.

Schedule-VI Balance Sheet

Schedule-VI Balance Sheet provides the representation of company's financial position at any point in time in the Schedule VI format of Companies Act. The Balance Sheet displays:
  • Equity and Liabilities comprising of Shareholders' Funds, Share Application money pending allotment, Non-Current Liabilities, and Current Liabilities
  • Assets comprising of Non-Current Assets and Current Assets
To generate the Schedule-VI Balance Sheet,
Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements > Balance Sheet
  • The report displays the Schedule VI Heads with the respective balances. Default Tally Accounting Groups are automatically linked to their respective Schedule VI Heads. The Ledgers that are classified under these Accounting Groups, too, get linked to the Schedule VI Heads. This is a broad classification provided by Tally.ERP 9. Users can reclassify the Groups/Ledgers under other Schedule VI Heads, while keeping the Balance Sheet intact.
  • Schedule VI Heads consisting of Groups/Ledgers that have not been categorised by the user, will be displayed as Ungrouped and in red, to bring the same to attention.
  • Press Enter on the required Schedule-VI head/sub-head to view the respective Note Summary report.

Exceptions in Schedule-VI Balance Sheet

In the Schedule-VI Balance Sheet all the possible exceptions will be displayed in red for users’ attention.
  • Previous Year Ungrouped – Any Ledger/Group present only in Previous Year that remain unclassified under Schedule VI Groups, will be shown under this Exception.
  • Balance in Branch / Division – Any Ledger grouped or created under Tally.ERP 9's reserved group Branch and Division, will be shown under this Exception.
  • Balance in Suspense A/c – Any Ledger grouped or created under Tally.ERP 9's reserved group Suspense A/c, will be shown under this Exception.
  • Difference In Opening Balance – Difference in Total of Assets side or Liability side will be shown under this Exception.
  • Unadjusted Forex Gain or Loss – If there is any unadjusted Forex Gain or Loss from the Forex Transactions it will be shown under this Exception.
  • Difference in Bifurcation - This exception occurs where Ledgers have been mapped to Schedule VI Heads using the Bifurcate Balance option. If their opening balances have been modified, or transactions have been passed using these ledgers, this exception occurs, and is displayed as Difference in Bifurcated Balance
The user can regroup/reclassify these exceptions to the respective Schedule VI Groups using the Move (Ctrl+X) and To (Ctrl+V) options or using Schedule VI Rule Configuration.

Button options in the Schedule-VI Balance Sheet

F1: Detailed
Click on F1: Detailed or press Alt+F1 to view the Balance Sheet in detailed form.
The detailed view for Schedule-VI Balance Sheet displays the default Tally Groups with balances which are mapped under various Schedule VI Groups.
F2: Period
Click on F2: Period or press F2 to change the selected period for the Audit Year (Current Year). If two separate companies are loaded or if the transactions of multiple years are available in the same data, then the Period for the Previous Year is also changed accordingly.
F3: Hide Prev. Year
Press F3 or click on F3: Hide Prev. Year to display the Previous Year column while displaying report. This will be available for use only when multiple years are available in the same data.
Ctrl+O: Copy Classify
Click on Ctrl+O: Copy Classify or press Ctrl+O to copy the configurations of the Schedule-VI Balance sheet from another Company on Tally.ERP 9.
Ctrl+F3: Compare Cmp
Click on Ctrl+F3: Compare Cmp or press Ctrl+F3 to load the Company having previous years data.
Note: If the data for both the years is available in the same Company, loading of a second Company is not required.
For the Company with two years data, system will check for the Vouchers passed on any Day for the month March to determine the Audit Year.
F8: Note. No.
Click on F8: Note No. or press F8 for Note Number Configuration.
F9: Master Config
Click on F9: Master Config. Or press Alt+F9 to view the Schedule VI Master Configuration
Ctrl+F10: Restore Def.
Click on Ctrl+F10: Restore Def. or press Ctrl+F10 to undo any manual Schedule VI classification performed on the default Tally Groups/Ledgers.
A: Additional Info.
Place the cursor on a Schedule VI Head and click on A: Additional Info. or press Alt+A to go to the respective Additional Details report
Ctrl+C: Classify Helper
Click on Ctrl+C: Classify Helper or press Ctrl+C for Current and Non-Current Classification report.
F9: Inv Reports
Click on F9: Inv Reports or press F9 keys to navigate to the default Inventory Reports like Godown Summary, Movement Analysis, Stock Summary etc.
F10: Acc Reports
Click on F10: Acc Reports or press F10 keys to navigate to the default Accounting Reports like Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Trial Balance etc.
F10: Audit Reports
Click on F10: Audit Reports or press Alt+F10 keys to navigate to the other Audit Reports within Statutory Audit and Tax Audit.
F12: Configure
Click on F12: Configure or press F12 to change the default display for the Schedule-VI Balance Sheet report.
Scale Factor for Values: Select the required Scale Factor from Crores, Hundreds, Lakhs, Millions, Ten Lakhs, Ten Millions, Ten Thousands, Thousands or Default for displaying the balances in the Schedule VI Balance Sheet.
Note: The Default Tally Group & Balances will be displayed only in the expanded mode.

Financial Statements

Every company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, is required to prepare its Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit and Loss, and the notes thereto in accordance with Schedule VI of the Act. Schedule VI has now been revised by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in order to keep the disclosure requirements in concurrence with the objective of achieving a fair and uniform presentation of financial information.

In Tally.ERP 9, the following are the Financial Statements that can be generated in the format as per the Revised Schedule VI:

  • Balance Sheet

  • Profit & Loss A/c

To view the Financial Statements,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > Financial Statements

Table Search Capability of Tally.ERP 9

Current Search Capability

The current Table Search capability in Tally.ERP 9, allows the user to highlight a particular set of Names based on the search text entered in the field. The text is searched from the beginning of the names in the list (This type of search is called “Starts with” search) and search is applicable only to the first column of the table/list.

Example: Stock Item search in Sales Voucher

In the above case names are searched based on the text entered – N, in the Name of Item field and search is applicable only to the first column (Name of Item) in the table. Even after the relevant names are searched and highlighted, all the names (not required) are also displayed in the list/Table.

Let’s take scenarios,

1. Where there are large numbers of names in the list/table and it is impossible for the user to remember the starting characters of the names. He may remember only a part of the name which he wants (required) to search.

2. After search, display only the relevant names based on the search text and not all the names in the table/list.

The current search capability doesn’t support the above scenarios. To provide Quick and flexible search, the table search capability in Tally.ERP 9 has been enhanced.

New Search Capability – “Contains” Search

The latest enhancement to table search allows the user to search a text from any part of the name which appears in the list. The table keeps on reducing and displaying only those names which fulfill the search criteria. Now it is also possible to specify whether the search criteria should be applicable only on first column or all columns of the table.

Enhanced search is based on the configuration settings. To configure table search, in Advanced Configuration (Ctrl +Atl + F12 from Gateway of Tally) Or F12: Configuration > General following Configuration options are provided

  • Use ‘Reducing List’ for Tables (‘Contains’ Search): To allow the user to search a text from any part of the name that appears in the list. The table keeps on reducing and displaying only those names which fulfill the search criteria.

  • Apply for all Columns: To specify the search criteria should be applicable on first column or all columns of the table.

Advanced Configuration (Ctrl +Alt + F12 from Gateway of Tally) - Table Configuration Screen appears as shown

By default, both the above options will be set to Yes. User can alter/change configuration settings at any point of time.

Note: The option Apply for all columns is a sub- option and is displayed only when the option Use ‘Reducing List’ for Tables is enabled.

Table Configurations can also be done form F12: Configuration > General


Let us now see the New Search Capability of Tally.ERP 9

The Name based search will display the information as shown below:

The search can also be performed in a List/Table containing multiple columns by providing the the necessary search keyword. e.g. search for Quantity of Items.

The Quantity based search (in the second column) to select required item is as shown

Tally.ERP 9 displays all the stock items containing Numeric 4

Table Search

In Tally.ERP 9, Table Search means select (identify) a company, stock Item, Ledger, Group, stock Group, Cost Centers etc. from the List.

For example:

1. Select a Company from List of Companies

List of Companies is called table (which contains names of companies in the selected path).

2. Select a Ledger from List of Ledger Accounts in a Voucher

List of Ledger Accounts is called table (which contains names of Ledgers)

3. Select a Stock Item from List of Items in a Voucher

List of Items is called table (which contains names of Stock Item)

Similarly, where ever List is displayed to select any thing say ledger, valuation methods, groups, units of Measurement, Tax Type, TDS nature of payment, Service Categories, Voucher Types, Pay head Types etc. is called Table.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Cheque Printing in Tally

The Cheque Printing option in the Banking menu allows the user to print all the pending, already printed or the required cheques continuously from a single screen. It also allows to update the cheque details of a transaction, i.e., the instrument no, instrument date, cheque favouring, etc. The bank ledger needs to be enabled for cheque printing from ledger creation or alteration mode.
Click the links given below for details.
Accessing Cheque Printing
Printing Cheques / Cheque Printing Reports
Configuring Cheque Printing

Accessing Cheque Printing

To access Cheque Printing screen,
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Banking > Cheque Printing.
The Select Bank screen displaying the List of Bank appears as shown:
  • Select All or the required Bank account from the List of Bank.
  • Press Enter.
The Cheque Printing screen of the selected Bank is displayed as shown:
  • By default, this screen displays list of pending cheques of the current date’s month.
  • Press F6: Show All to display all the cheques.
Note: This button toggles between Show All / Hide Printed.

Bank Not Configured for Cheque Printing

The cheque printing screen will prompt with a message Bank not configured for Cheque Printing when the bank ledger not configured for cheque printing is selected, as shown:
The bank needs to be enabled for cheque printing from ledger alteration screen.
In the Cheque Printing screen of the ledgers configured for it,
  • Select the required row from the Cheque Printing list to open the voucher in alteration mode.
  • F2: Period: Allows to change the period.
  • F4: Bank: Allows to select All / Other required Bank from the list.
  • F7: Edit Ch Details: Allows to edit/update the Favouring Name, Instrument No and Instrument Date columns, as shown:
  • Accept the screen to save the settings.
  • F12: Range: Allows to filter the Cheque printing screen. The user can filter the transactions based on the Amount, Bank Date, Date, Favouring Name, Instrument Date, Instrument No., Ledgers, Narration, Remarks and Transaction Type as shown:

Printing Cheques / Cheque Printing Reports

The user may print All or selected cheque from the Cheque Printing list.

Printing All Cheques

To Print All Cheque from the list,
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Banking > Cheque Printing.
  • Select the required Bank account from List of Bank. To change the selection made, press F4: Bank button to select another bank.
  • The Cheque Printing screen is displayed.
  • Click Print or Press Alt+P.
The Print Report screen appears. Set the option Print Cheque to Yes as shown:
Note: The option - Print Cheque appears only if a particular bank is selected for printing cheques. On selecting All Items for displaying pending cheques of different banks in cheque printing screen, this option will not appear.
  • Accept to Print all the cheques.
  • The Cheque Printing proceeds and displays confirmation for each cheque with Cheque Details, as shown:
  • Confirm to print cheque one by one before printing. Additionally the facility to change the orientation and adjust the distance of top edge and left edge with flexibility to avoid printing the date on cheque is provided.

Printer Selection

Press S: Select Printer button to select the printer and the paper size. Select the paper size as A4.


In the Sample Cheque Printing screen, press N: Orientation button (Alt+N) to select the orientation. The orientations - Vertical and Horizontal gets listed.

On selecting Vertical - centre/left/right the cheque gets printed in vertically (oriented as portrait). Using these options, the cheque can be printed by setting the orientation to:
  • Vertical Left: On inserting the paper in the printer tray, the cheque gets printed vertically on the left hand side of the paper.
  • Vertical Centre: On inserting the paper in the printer tray, the cheque gets printed vertically at the centre of the paper.
  • Vertical Right: On inserting the paper in the printer tray, the cheque gets printed vertically on the right hand side of the paper.
Additionally for printing the cheque face up or face down with vertical orientation, the field - Print From (for Vertical Only) gets displayed. Depending on the printer, the front or rear can be selected.
  • Front: In printers which print face up select Front.
  • Rear: For printers which print face down place the paper in reverse order and select Rear.
On selecting Horizontal the cheque gets printed horizontally (oriented as landscape).

Overall Adjustment

Using the configuration provided for overall adjustment:
  • The cheque dimensions pre-configured on selecting the cheque format can be adjusted such that the overall dimensions get shifted by the required 'mm' from top and left edge of cheque.
  • While printing the cheque, date field can be left blank if it is not required to be printed.
From the Sample Cheque Printing screen, click on F12: Configure button and change/retain the dimensions in 'mm' as per requirement.

  • Adjust Distance From Top Edge (in mm): To adjust the distance from top edge such that the overall measurements defined in Cheque Dimensions screen get shifted as per the 'mm' entered here.
  • Adjust Distance From Left Edge (in mm): To adjust the distance from left edge such that the overall measurements defined in Cheque Dimensions screen get shifted as per the 'mm' entered here.
  • Print Date: By default the date gets printed on the cheque. If the date is not to be printed on the cheque set this field to No.
Accept the configuration and print the cheque. The adjustments done for overall adjustment using F12: Configuration of cheque printing screen does not affect the settings of Cheque Dimensions pre-configured for the selected cheque format.
The Printed Cheque displays as shown:

Printing Selected Cheques

To Print selected Cheques from the list,
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Banking > Cheque Printing.
  • Select All or required Bank account from List of Bank.
  • The Cheque Printing screen is displayed.
  • Press spacebar to select the required row(s).
  • Click Print or Press Alt+P.
  • The Cheque Printing screen appears.
  • Accept to print the cheque(s).

Cheque Report Printing

To print the Cheque report,
  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Banking > Cheque Printing.
  • Select All or required Bank account from List of Bank.
  • The Cheque Printing screen is displayed.
  • Click Print or Press Alt+P.
  • Cheque Report Printing screen appears confirming to print.
  • Click No or Press N or Esc.
  • Print Cheque: This option appears on selecting a particular bank. Set it to No.
  • Include Printed Cheques also: Set this option to Yes to display the printed cheques also in the report.
  • Show Forex Transactions only: Set this option to Yes in case you need only the forex transactions to be displayed in the report.
Note: This option appears only in case Multi Currency feature is enabled for the company.
  • Show Payment Favouring: Set this option to Yes to display Favouring Name details in the report.
  • Show Remarks also: Set this option to Yes to display the Remarks in the report.
On setting Print Cheque it to Yes, the options - Include Printed Cheques also, Show Payment Favouring and Show Remarks also gets set to No automatically as the user has opted to print cheque. If Print Cheque is set to No, a statement displaying all entries including details of printed cheques can be generated with information about favouring name and remarks as entered in the Bank Allocation sub-screen of payment voucher.
The Cheque Report Printing screen is displayed as shown:
  • Accept to Print.
The Cheque Report Printing is displayed as shown:

Configuring Cheque Printing

The user may configure the Cheque Printing screen based on his requirement.
To configure,
  • Press F12: Configure, the Configuration screen is displayed as shown:

Confirm each Cheque before Print

By default this is set to Yes. The cheque printing will confirm for each cheque before printing.

Include Printed Cheques also

By default, this option is set to No. Set it to Yes to display the Printed Cheques also
Note: This option is similar to the function key F6: Show All / Hide Printed.

Show Forex Transactions only

By default, this option is set to Yes. The cheque printing screen displays only the forex transaction.
Note: This option appears only in case the company is enabled with multi currency feature.

Show Payment Favouring

By default, this option is set to Yes. The cheque printing screen displays the Favouring Name column.
Note: The Favouring Name column displays only those names which are different from the Party/Ledger account names.

Show Remarks also

By default, this option is set to No. Set it to Yes to display the Remarks also.

Appearance of Name

Select the required Display Name Style from the list to display in cheque printing screen.

Scale Factor for Values

Select the required Scale Factors from the list.

Sorting Method

Select the required Sorting Methods from the list.

Import Masters (how To import Data In Tally)

Import Formats

Tally.ERP 9 supports XML format to import data. 

To Import Masters execute the following steps:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Masters
  1. In the Import of Masters screen:
  2. Enter the required path and filename in the Import File Name (XML) field. If the file is located in the default folder, then you need to provide the filename only.
  3. In the field Treatment of entries already existing select the required Behaviour
  4. Combine Opening Balances: Select this option to import data of different branches and consolidate the opening balances. You can also select this option when the opening balances of existing masters are Zero and need to be overwritten by the balances in the data being imported.
  5. Ignore Duplicates Select this option to import new masters along with the existing masters in Tally ignoring the duplicates.
  6. Modify with New Data Select this option to replace the existing balances with those existing in the data imported and also override the other options available in Behaviour list.
  1. Press Enter to Import Masters.
  2. Double click on Tally.imp file located in the Tally.ERP folder to view the import log. 

    Import Vouchers

    To import vouchers execute the following steps:
    Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data > Vouchers
  3. In the Import of Vouchers screen, enter the required path and filename in the Import File Name (XML) field.
  1. Press Enter to import the Vouchers
  2. Double click on Tally.imp file located in the Tally.ERP 9 folder to view the import log.

Import Data in tally

In Tally.ERP 9 you can import data from earlier versions of Tally, Tally.ERP 9 and any third party application using the predefined format of XML.

To Import Data

  • Go to Gateway of Tally > Import of Data
  • The Import of Data menu is displayed as shown.
To read more on the step by step procedure for importing masters, vouchers and synchronization click one of the corresponding links:
  • Masters
  • Vouchers
  • Synchronization

Export Tally to Excel

Using the Export feature you can export Tally.ERP 9 data to Excel. Data exported to Excel can be e-mailed as an attachment, used to generate graphs for better presentation and further analysis.
Go to Gateway of Tally > Balance Sheet
  1. In the Balance sheet screen click E : Export or press Alt+E.
  2. Select the required language from the list of Languages displayed.
  3. Select a format from the list of Formats displayed.
  4. By default, the exported file will be stored in C:\Program Files\Tally.ERP 9 for Windows 7 and C:\Tally.ERP 9 for Windows XP operating systems
  5. Press Enter to accept the default Output Filename or type the filename of your choice in order to save the file with a different name.
  6. Press Enter to accept the default Output Sheet Name.
  7. To update the existing file select Yes in Update Existing File.
  8. To format the contents of the file select Yes in Excel (Spreadsheet) formatting.
  9. Select Yes for the Field with Colour, to retain the background colour in the exported file.
  1. Accept to export the Balance Sheet to an excel file.
The exported file is saved in the default Tally.ERP9 or the specified folder, you can use this file for further analysis.

Export Data from Masters in Tally.ERP 9

With the Export feature of Tally.ERP 9, you can export Tally.ERP 9 data using the available formats. The exported data can be used by other programs. To export the Masters from Tally.ERP 9 execute the following steps:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > List of Accounts
  1. In the List of Accounts screen press E : Export.
  2. Select the Language in which you want the data to be exported.
  3. Select a format from the list of Formats available.
  4. Press Enter to accept the default Output Filename. In case you want to save the file in another folder then type the desired path and filename.

  1. Accept to export the Masters to a XML format file.
The exported file is saved in the default Tally.ERP9 folder or the specified folder.

Export Formats Available In Tally.Erp9

The Export functionality available in Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to export data or report in any one of the standard available formats. Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to select the required format before exporting the data and based on the format selected the user needs to specify the resolution, page size and formatting.
Tally.ERP 9 also allows you to export the data in non-editable formats such as JPEG and PDF formats. The JPEG format has the with dual facility, where the user can store the file in printable format or as an image.

ASCII (Comma Delimited)

By selecting the ASCII (Comma Delimited) format, the user can export all the reports or data from Tally.ERP 9. The data exported is converted to plain text separated with commas and stored in a file with the extension .txt. This file format is widely used for emailing and used for importing data into another company using Tally.ERP 9

Excel Spreadsheet

The user can export data and reports generated in Tally.ERP 9 to Excel by selecting the Excel (Spreadsheet) format. The report or data is put in columns and the file is saved with the extension .xls. Tally.ERP 9 also gives the user an option to export data with formatting and background colour as it appears in Tally.ERP 9. The user can set the formatting and background colour in the Report Generation screen. The Excel file can be emailed as an attachment and also used to generate graphs for better presentation.
Note: Export to Excel is compatible with Microsoft Office 97 or higher versions only.
Tally.ERP 9 exports the data faster when Excel (Spreadsheet) Formatting is set to No

HTML (Web Publishing)

On selecting the HTML (Web Publishing) format, Tally.ERP 9 exports the data in HTML format retaining the colours and formatting. The file name has an extension .htm, It can be sent as an attachment and read using an internet browser. It is recommended to choose a higher resolution for better quality output.

JPEG (Image)

On selecting this format the specified report is exported as an image file which is stored with an extension .jpg in the specified folder. The image file generated is non-editable, platform independent and supports the highest level of compression. The user needs to specify the paper orientation and paper size, opting to store the report on a User defined or customised paper size, the user is required to specify the page width and height in millimeters. This image file can be mailed as an attachment to a recipient, viewed using an image viewer and printed.

PDF (Portable Document Format)

The report is converted to a portable data format document which is independent of the application software, hardware and operating system. This document can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader commonly known as the PDF Reader. On exporting the data using PDF format, the file is stored in the specified location and assigned the extension .pdf. While configuring the system to export data to PDF it is necessary for the user to specify the paper orientation and paper size. On opting to store the report with User defined or customised paper dimensions, the user is required to specify the page width and height in millimeters. This PDF file can be mailed as an attachment to the desired recipient and viewed using the Adobe Acrobat reader or PDF reader.

XML (data interchange)

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is an extension of HTML. Using XML, data can be imported by other systems. An XML file from Tally.ERP 9 has an XML envelope and formatted with XML tags to enable import into other systems. The destination system requires re-formatting of XSLT (XML Style Sheets) based on the inherent style used in Tally before importing the data. When two systems are running different versions of Tally, XML data can be directly imported using the import menu option, without re-formatting.
Note :Data stored in Tally 7.2 can be exported to Tally 9 or Tally.ERP 9. However data stored in Tally 9 or Tally.ERP cannot be exported to Tally 7.2.
The exported files an any of the selected format are stored in C:\Tally.ERP 9 for Windows XP and C:\Program Files\ Tally.ERP9 for Windows 7 operating system.

Checking Auto Backup Status

Auto Backup Status displays the list of companies whose data is backed up at a common location and the number of entries pending for backup from each company. This report also displays the path of backup and the number of companies off-line. On completing the auto backup the status is set to complete.
To access the Auto Backup Status report
  • From Gateway of Tally > F3: Company Info > U: Auto Backup Status
The Auto Backup Status screen appears

Restoring Tally.ERP9 Back Up Data

Restore means return to the original, usable and functional condition. The Restore functionality allows you to restore the data backup taken earlier.
The existing Restore utility is enhanced with an additional capability to restore data backup of multiple companies taken using the Auto Backup feature. The backup of multiple companies is stored in a single file named TABK.900 in the user defined path provided while configuring auto backup.
While restoring the auto backup data, Tally.ERP 9 displays the backup version followed by the last update time. This allows the user to select and restore the latest backup.
The user must ensure the following points before restoring data backup:
  1. Do not restore old or irrelevant data.
  2. Do not restore data from a damaged media.
  3. Do not restore data in the same folder as the existing data, since it may overwrite the existing data.
To restore the back-up taken on another media, execute the following steps:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press Alt + F3 or click F3: Cmp Info
The Company Info menu appears
  • Select Restore.
The Restore Companies on Disk screen appears, enter the following details
  1. Destination – is the path or the folder where data backup needs to be restored.
  2. Source – is the folder or path where data backup file or auto backup files for multiple companies are stored. The path specified can be on the same storage device/external storage device or a storage device on the network.
Note: The last provided source and the destination paths are populated and displayed.


In the BackUp section
  • Select the required company or companies from List of Companies displayed to restore the data or select All Items to restore data of all the companies available.
Note: To restore Auto Backup of multiple companies, select End of List in Name of Companies under Backup.
  1. Accept to continue restoring the data backup.
The Restoring Companies screen displays the status of data being restored.

Restore Auto Backup

On entering the Destination and Source, the Restore Companies on Disk appears as shown

In the Auto Backup section
  • Select the required company or companies from List of Companies displayed.
The List of Auto Backup Versions appears as shown

  • Select the required Version of backup
Similarly, select the required companies from the List of Companies displayed and select the required backup Version from the List of Auto Backup Versions.
  • Select End of List to complete the selection of companies
  • Select All Items to restore the latest backup versions of all the available companies
  • Accept to restore the auto backup of selected or all companies
The Restoring Companies screen displays the status of data being restored.

Tally Erp.9 Back up of data

Back up of data can be carried out by executing the following steps:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F3: Company Info or Press Alt+F3
  1. Select Backup
  2. In the Backup Companies on Disk screen, by default the cursor is at Name of Company, press Backspace to change the Source or the Destination.
  3. Source – it is the source folder that contains data for which backup has to be taken, by default it is the Data folder of Tally.ERP 9
  4. Destination – it is a folder or an external device (pen drive/Portable Hard Disk etc.,) connected to the same or another computer where the data backup has to be stored.
  1. Select the companies whose backup has to be taken from the List of Companies displayed, then select End of List to complete the selection or select All Item to backup all the companies available in the respective data folder.

  1. Accept to continue taking the backup
  2. The Backing up Companies screen appears displaying the name of the company being backed up and the percentage completed.
The backup file TBK900.001 is stored in the specified folder.
Note : While taking a backup, if the List of Companies contains one or more TallyVaulted companies, then Tally.ERP 9 allows the user to select a single TallyVaulted company at a time.

Basic Accounting For Tally